Tuesday 13 January 2009

Box Office Figures

These are some of the box office figures for films similar to our own:
The Blair Witch Project - Total Worldwide Gross - $248,639,09
- Cost to make - $60,000
Memento - Total Worldwide Gross - $25,544,867
- Cost to make - $9 million
The Machinist - Total Worldwide Gross - $8,203,253
- Cost to make - $5,000,000
Shrooms - Total Worldwide Gross - $4,910,682
- Cost to make - $4,500,000
All of these films which link in some way to our film made profit. Particularly the blair witch project, which like our film was shot with a handheld camera and so cost the least to make, but ended up making the most profit. Memento which is also similar to our film as it has the same narrative structure also made a lot of profit. This was probably because it had something different that nobody had seen before in the narrative structure which is why we chose to use it in our film. I think our genre is very popular with the public as these statistics show and some of them for example the blair witch project don't cost a lot to make but can make companies a lot of profit. But films like shrooms for example didn't make a lot of profit as I believe people would have been quite confused by it, particularly at the end and it wasn't very well known so people wouldn't have told people to go and see it.

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