Sunday 25 January 2009

Vantage Point Chase Sequence Analysis

This is a scene taken from the film Vantage Point released in 2008 and for the purpose of this analysis will be viewed from 08:13 to 09:10.

The sequence opens with a close-up on the main character's face as he chases after the Police. This close-up shows the emotion of the character and his determination to catch up at all costs. Shots are jumpy and so lead us to believe that a handheld camera has been used. Shot lengths vary from between 1/2 a second to 2 seconds; all of which are cut together with straight cuts enhancing the speed of the sequence.

An up-beat non-diegetic score adds to the drama of the scene, along with diegetic screams and sirens; creating confusion and hysteria.

To add depth of field to the scene, zoom has been used, this helps to create disorientation. Point of view shots are all so used to help create verisimilitude.

From this clip we can take the use of fast paced editing, with straight cuts, along with close-ups and extreme close-ups to show emotion. Another feature we could incorporate is the use of zoom to disorientate the view.

One thing that lets the clip down is the fact that half way through, the chase sequence is interrupted to show a small girl running off to find her mother. This is reasonably unrelated to the chase and so brings the pace down a little. The chase also lacks in low and high camera angles; to show character vulnerability or superiority.


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