Tuesday 6 January 2009

Initial idea

Our initial idea is that of a girl who is running through some woods, away from something that she has just done, but no matter how far she runs she cannot seem to escape from the woods. She is extremely scared and distressed by the events that have just taken place and needs to get out of the woods. The narrative is not linear as it keeps flashing back and forwards from her running away, to showing what she has just done.
The genre of this initial idea is thriller and the themes are fear and escape. The media language i think would work best in this opening sequence would be fast paced editing, lots of handheld camera shots and canted angles.

This is a sequence i found on the internet. It has most of the same conventions that my group plan to use in our project. However, this is not an opening sequence so it isn't exactly what we will be doing. Instead, we will just use this as inspiration and use some of the media language used in this clip. Personally, i think that it looks very effective when the pace in the sequence is increased as it shows the characters panic and disorientation. We could use this in our project because our character is also panicked and disorientated. The use of canted angles and handheld camera shots also looks effective, this is another thing that we can use in our project.

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